The Auction House finally becomes easy and convenient after UI2.0
update. Now, we are glad to introduce the function of AH in WildStar.
The Auction House is divided into two apart, one is Items Auction House,
the another one is Commodities Exchange.
Then, let’s us introduce Items Auction first.
1.Items Classified Area
2.Custom equipment name search
3. Sort: you can according to the price, grade and quality and so on the many kinds of selection.
Filter: Here you can according to your own equipment requirements, such
as how much is your equipment level, the main properties you need, the
quality of the equipment and the number of WildStar Gold you can afford as a filter, it is very convenient
Bid:You can bid the WildStar Items you want. If your offer is the
highest since the end of the auction time, then you will receive the
Choose the items you want to sell from left column, then enter
the Minimum Bid and Buyout Price. To click List Item can be published in
Auction House. While, each items can reserve in AH within 2 days and
charge certain commission. Meanwhile, it would post the items price on
AH with same name. You can take reference for pricing. Per character can
sell 25 pieces items at most at the same time.
Next is the introduction of Commodities Exchange
The Commodities Exchange is distinctive, you can post the message of trading. Here we are glad to introduce the process:
To open the Create Buy Order, you can filter what you want and chose the amount, unit price, then click Create Buy Order.
When you submit the order, the price and commodities apply to your requirement in Sell Now, you can get it!
In the Sell Now, it would demonstrate the commodities you can sell.
Each commodity has a Current Price, it means the highest price some
players afford. If you click Sell Now, it would sell out right now. You
would get the WildStar through mail. In the meantime, you can enhance
the price so that this commodity can enter into your sell list.
In the end, all trade in WildStar Auction House charge parts gold as commission. While, the face to face trade can save some money!